The past couple of months have been both interesting and exciting.
Interesting for the fact that several months ago, before I got to know the Enagic Company’s Kangen SD501, I saw an impressive full page advertisement on the benefits of alkaline water and decided to cut and keep the page. I was about to find out more but fortunately, my online business and travelling prevented me from visiting one of their impressive showrooms. I am glad I did not, otherwise I would have ended up with an alkaline machine that may not have delivered its quality and safety consistently in the long term. Our own testing of the waters produced by a few brands confirmed what we have learned from training provided by the Enagic Company, the Japanese company that produced the highest quality Kangen water™ ionizers – inconsistent in terms of alkalinity, microclustering and Oxidation Reduction Potential (ORP).
That is why, Dr David Carpenter from the United States, in the quest for the right type of ionized water, purchased a number of water ionizers (various brands) that were promoted as producing alkaline, microclustered and anti-oxidant and tested them by giving his patients with various health issues the ionized water. No matter which brand he bought, none of the machines produced the kind of results that were consistently achieved in Japan using those produced by the Enagic Company of Japan.
After much research of our own, my business partners and I have found out that not all alkaline water ionizers are the same. There are copycats that sell for as low as half the price of Kangen but the profit margins were very high for the big corporations that promoted them. While a Kangen Water™ ionizer has been proven to be a workhorse that last between 15 and 25 years, others with platinum/titanium plates with smaller surface area may not stand a high wattage, their life span is likely to be shorter and the consumer will end up trading-in every few years which will mean more profits for the corporations and higher cost for the consumers.
However, Kangen water ionizers manufactured by the Enagic company of Japan have stood the test of time for the last 37 years and are the only ones that have been used by more than 100 hospitals in Japan for so many years. Best of all, they shared the profits generously with the consumers like you and I through a unique no-pressure customer referral program using an original Japanese invention – their unique patented Global 8-point Business Plan. A number of my friends and business associates have already started to recover the cost of their Kangen Water™ ionizer simply by sincerely sharing the health benefits and other amazing uses of Kangen water™ with their friends and relatives by giving them free water and watching a live online demo.
Moreover, this machine has been certified by the Japan Ministry of Health and Welfare as a medical device and endorsed by 6500 member non-profit doctor’s group in Japan. The Japanese Association of Preventive Medicine for Adult Disease only endorses one product in a given industry thus the Enagic’s Kangen water™ ionizer is the only ionizer they recommend.
Fortunately, on a personal note, a newly-acquainted overseas friend of mine came to visit me last August and presented me with a DVD that excellently showcased the Kangen Water™ Ionizer that is not only backed by science, but medical science. Midway through the presentation, it convinced me enough to make up my mind to order one for the long-term health and safety of my family. As the saying goes, “Prevention is better than cure”! There’s really a world of difference between health care and disease prevention rather than disease care and disease management.
In the words of Bob Wright, Founder and Director of the American Anti-Cancer Institute and author of the book, “Killing Cancer – Not People”, “If I were looking for an electrolysis unit today, I would choose the SD501 by the Enagic Company. The fact is that I only want to buy one ionizer, I want it to be durable, and to always produce the high alkaline, negative ORP, low microclustered water that my body really “thirsts” for. For all my requirements, including the 2.5 acid water feature and the 11.5 super alkaline water capability, only Enagic fit the bill”.
Bob also ended the chapter by stating that “I have no financial interest in the Enagic Company nor do I receive any remuneration for my recommendations”.
Further research on our own as well as seeing a live demonstration of the Kangen Water™ and its wide range of uses and benefits convinced my business partners and I to start a serious business promoting the health benefits of Kangen Water™ locally, regionally and globally through the power of both online and offline marketing.
It’s also exciting for the fact that since making a decisive decision to embark on the Kangen Water™ global business, through our team training, synergy and communication, our local and international teams have grown significantly within a span of only 4 months. Moreover, through our online and offline word-of-mouth advertising and giving away free Kangen Water™ for people to try, sets after sets were ordered without having to hard sell. People come to us asking us how to order the machine.
One housewife has an average of one set ordered per month through her account. Another housewife residing overseas has more than 70 sets ordered through her team associates from Asia to America and UK and naturally, she went from being a housewife to full-time working this business seriously. Good that she started sharing the water just over 4 months’ ago.
With the collective efforts and support of our team members from around the world, the time is right for us to start a Kangen water™ shop right here in the eastern part of Singapore to promote Kangen water™ and support our local and global team.