The demand for live Kangen Water® demo and presentation from our overseas contacts on the amazing power of Kangen Water® have been overwhelming, especially outside Singapore. The last 6 months have seen me travelling more than any airline pilots, stewards and stewardesses, so much so that the priority was not on updating this blog, even though I have plenty of ideas, experience and stories to write and update everyone.
However, as our knowledge and experience on Kangen Water® have increased, it is now even more important to update, emphasize and reinforce that the high quality, 100% “Made in Japan” Kangen Water Ionizers (with a proven 39 years’ proven history), are the safest and the longest lasting in the market.
I will pretty soon update everyone (with supporting certifications from world renowned bodies) and all those who truly love their family to only choose the safest water ionizer brand in the market for the long-term health and safety of those you love most. There is no point in choosing the best education, the best schools, the best and safest toys, the best pianos and music lessons, the best holidays, etc for your children but when it comes to their health and safety, choose the cheapest water ionizer that is only good for the first few months, but thereafter, has the potential to leak chemicals into the drinking chamber of the ionizer.
So keep a lookout soon for my updates. I will be travelling again tomorrow for a series of live demos and presentations on Kangen Water®.
In fact, I just left New York City for Singapore on Thursday, February 7, 2013. If I had left as originally planned the next day, I will be in trouble because several thousand flights was cancelled due to the sudden adverse change in weather. If you google “Blizzard New York” or “Blizzard New York Lunar New Year”, you will understand what I mean. I will then not be able to come back in time to celebrate the traditional annual Reunion Dinner with my family as well as the important first two days of Lunar New Year.
So as the festive mood is still there, I wish to take this opportunity to wish every Chinese and their loved ones and all those who celebrate Lunar New Year in the Year of the Water Snake (no wonder it has been raining cats and dogs the last few days):
A Very Happy and Prosperous Lunar New Year and most important of all Excellent Health to your loved ones and you!